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PC Rakitan I7 3770 3.40Ghz Paket Office No Monitor

PC Rakitan I7 3770 3.40Ghz Paket Office No Monitor
PC Rakitan I7 3770 3.40Ghz Paket Office No Monitor

Home / Shop / PC Rakitan Admin / Office

PC Rakitan I7 3770 3.40Ghz Paket Office No Monitor

Model Number: PCR0003
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Categories: Desktop PC
  • Description
  • Specifications
  • Processor :i7 3770 3.40-3.90 GHz (Ngebut)
  • Mobo :Intel B75 LGA1155 (Solid CAPACITOR)
  • VGA :Intel HD Graphic
  • RAM :8 GB DDR3 1600MHz
  • Case :Simbadda SIM V
  • PSU : Simbadda 380 W
  • SSD :240GB
  • Networking :TP-Link WN725N (Langsung Bisa Connect Wifi)
  • Keyboard dan Mouse :Logitech MK120(K120+B100)