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PC Rakitan | Core I5 | Paket Office Lengkap | Siap Pakai - Tanpa Monitor

PC Rakitan | Core I5 | Paket Office Lengkap | Siap Pakai - Tanpa Monitor
PC Rakitan | Core I5 | Paket Office Lengkap | Siap Pakai - Tanpa Monitor

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PC Rakitan | Core I5 | Paket Office Lengkap | Siap Pakai - Tanpa Monitor

Model Number: PCR0007
PC Rakitan | Core i5 | Paket Office Lengkap | Siap Pakai - Tanpa Monitor
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Categories: Desktop PC
  • Description
  • Specifications
  • CPU Intel Core i5 2400 3,40Ghz
  • Mainboard Intel LGA 1155 Chipset H61
  • RAM Hynix 8GB DDR3 1600Mhz
  • Harddisk System Genuine SSD 120GB
  • Harddisk Storage Seagate 500GB
  • PSU 300W Enlight+ (Pure Power)
  • Casing Enlight EN120 (Sementara pakai casing Ace Power)
  • Monitor LED 20" LG HD 20MK400A / Liva ECS 19" / LG 24MK400H